Aboriginal Visitor Scheme

Aboriginal Visitor Scheme

The Aboriginal Visitors Scheme (AVS) came about as a result of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody handed down in 1996.

The AVS offers after hours care and support service available from 5:00pm until 9:00am and all day on weekends and public holidays.

The AVS service is provided to assist Aboriginal people who might be feeling anxious or stressed about being arrested. If he or she does not require legal assistance, then the Police at the request of him or her can ask for the AVS service to be delivered by phone or or in person.

The AVS staff can help to: 

  • access and observe a detainee’s comfort or need for medical attention, legal counselling and family support
  • bridge any communication issue with the Police
  • support the Police with their duty of care towards an Aboriginal detainee 
  • report any issues of concern, need for medical attention or other welfare requirements to the Police 
  • liaise or/and contact local community agencies that can provide assistance to the detainee 
  • organise an ALRM Field Officer appointment, if legal advice is needed

Contact AVS on (08) 8113 3777  or Free call 1800 643 222

Image source: The image was kindly painted by an  ALRM’s client when in prison.